Just like you, we believe that there is no issue more important in Wales today than creating and protecting jobs. 137,000 people in Wales are out of work and everyone agrees that the situation is going to get worse.
Now is the time for Wales to stand together and pledge to do whatever can be done in order to save jobs and to protect families. Unlike the others we will not sit on our hands and let the Conservative and Lib Dem cuts take their toll in Wales in the worst possible way. It’s time to put Wales first.
This is why we want to see this Welsh government shifting its money in order to;
- Invest in building projects which will help our construction industry.
- Give greater help to small, local businesses
- Support the survival of our manufacturing sector
- Provide money for people to re-train if they lose their jobs
- Help companies so that they can avoid redundancies
We also want to see our councils treating their workers fairly – we want fairness for all those who work tirelessly everyday for our communities. We would never treat our public sector workers in the way they have been treated by Labour councils. Forcing through pay cuts and changing terms and conditions with minimum consultation is not the way to treat a workforce. Our way is to invite workers to work with management in order to plan a way forward together.
Plaid exists not for its own sake, but for Wales.
We believe that despite the cuts, more can be done to protect jobs and communities. Plaid has a plan that really could make a difference to you, your family and your community. We would urge you to join us in saying that now is the time to make protecting jobs an absolute priority. Like you, we want a better future for Wales.
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