Local communities: Our vision
What is Plaid's vision for our local communities?
Plaid will work to ensure that local government is more open and answerable to the public. We will also ensure that our local councils work effectively in partnership with other local councils and organisations for the benefit of our communities. We oppose the micro management of local councils by central government and are committed to ensuring that local councils have the freedom and funding to respond appropriately to local issues.
In the long term, Plaid will create an All-Wales Civil Service, with civil servants and officers able to move freely between the National Assembly for Wales, Local Government in Wales and The National Health Service in Wales. We believe that this model will encourage cooperation, the sharing of best practice, and will result in more joined-up thinking.
Plaid-run councils operate with robust scrutiny mechanisms so that decision-making power is not just concentrated in the hands of the executive board and senior local government officials. Plaid values the important work of town and community councils as they are a vital link in Welsh democracy. We will work to strengthen their role as we believe that they have the potential to play a fuller role in revitalising our communities.
We know that community involvement is vital to effective local government. We will make sure that voluntary groups, local businesses and individuals have every opportunity to share their views on decisions impacting their local community. We will support the campaign for participatory budgeting in our local authorities to ensure that local citizens have a voice in how money is spent.
Plaid is committed to a fairer voting system and will continue to campaign for the introduction of the Single Transferable Vote for every election in Wales including local authority elections. We will also continue to call for the right to vote at 16 as a way of encouraging young people to take part in the political process.
Plaid believes that we should abolish the unfair and outdated council tax system and introduce a local income tax. A local income tax would be based on the ability to pay, not on the value of property. It would be fairer and more efficient.
We know that Post Offices are often central to the vibrancy of communities, especially in our rural areas. Plaid has always been opposed to Post Office closures, and we have supported the strengthening of the Post Office network with a People's Bank. We believe that these community hubs have massive potential as information and advice centres.
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