Friday, 27 January 2012

Aelodaeth Plaid Cymru wedi codi 23%

Aelodaeth Plaid Cymru wedi codi 23%


Toreth o aelodau newydd yn ymuno er mwyn chwarae eu rhan dros Gymru well

Mae Plaid Cymru wedi datgelu bod ei aelodaeth wedi cynyddu 23% dros y pedwar mis diwethaf. Wrth i enwebiadau gau am hanner nos neithiwr, dywedodd y Blaid bod yr ymgyrch aelodaeth wedi bod yn lwyddiant eithriadol ac yn argoeli’n dda i’r dyfodol wrth i’r Blaid barhau gyda’r broses o adnewyddu.
Ers mis Hydref mae’r Blaid wedi bod yn ymgymryd ag ymgyrch aelodaeth fwyaf erioed, yn annog pobol i fod yn rhan o Blaid Cymru yn yr amser tyngedfennol yma yn nhyfiant ein cenedl.
Defnyddiodd yr ymgyrch aelodaeth ddulliau traddodiadol a chyfryngau newydd i gyfathrebu neges y Blaid i ddegau o bobol dros y pedwar mis diwethaf- gan ddefnyddio hysbysebu ar-lein, facebook, negeseuon testun ynghyd a thechnegau arloesol i gyfathrebu gyda miloedd o aelodau potensial sydd yn rhannu ein gweledigaeth am Gymru well. Gyrrwyd llythyr i filoedd o aelodau, canghennau, etholaethau ar draws Cymru sydd wedi cymryd rhan yn yr ymgyrch er mwyn cyrraedd ein cefnogwyr newydd.
Dywedodd Prif Weithredwr Plaid Cymru:
“Ym mis Hydref mi lansiwyd yr ymgyrch aelodaeth fwyaf arloesol y mae’r Blaid wedi ymgymryd a hi erioed. Ers hynny rydym wedi gweld twf eithriadol yn ein ffigyrau aelodaeth wrth i bobol ymuno a’r Blaid a chwarae rhan yn symud Cymru ymlaen.
“Mae’n haelodaeth wedi cynyddu 23%. Rydym yn arbennig o falch nid yn unig i groesawu cyn aelodau yn nôl, ond croesawu aelodau newydd sydd wedi ymuno am y tro cyntaf.
Yn gwneud sylw am y rhesymau tu ôl i gynnydd yn yr aelodaeth, ychwanegodd Rhuanedd Richards;
“Mae’r adfywiad i’r Blaid yn ei hun wedi ysbrydoli nifer i ddod adref i’r Blaid. Mae’r ddadl ar ddyfodol Cymru yn bwysig i nifer o bobol ac felly wedi penderfynu mai dim ond wrth ymuno a Phlaid Cymru y gallwn gael y gorau ar gyfer ein cenedl a’i phobol. Mae’r broses arweinyddol gyffrous wedi rhoi ysgogiad ychwanegol i bobol ymuno.
“Mae’n glir bod ein haelodau hen a newydd wedi eu huno gan weledigaeth ar gyfer yr hyn y gellir ei gyflawni, gyda’n gilydd ar gyfer pobl Cymru. Ar ddiwedd y dydd, nid oes unrhyw un arall yn mynd i roi Cymru’n gyntaf fel gwnaiff Plaid Cymru.
“Mae ein aelodau ar lawr gwlad yn ran annatod o Plaid Cymru. Nhw yw’r bobol sydd yn mynd i helpu i symud y Blaid ymlaen a chyfathrebu ein gweledigaeth bositif yn eu cymunedau ar draws Cymru. Rydym yn hynod falch o groesawu cymaint o aelodau newydd ac yn edrych ymlaen i gyd-weithio gyda hwy i helpu Cymru flodeuo a chyrraedd ei photensial dros y blynyddoedd nesaf.” 

Plaid membership up 23%

Plaid membership up 23%


Wave of new members pledge to play part in making Wales better

Plaid Cymru has revealed that its membership has increased 23% in the past 4 months.
As nominations closed at midnight last night, the party said that its recent membership drive had been a big success and bodes well for the future as the party continues the process of renewal.
Since October the party has been undertaking one of its biggest ever membership drives, encouraging people to be part of Plaid at this crucial time in the nation’s development.
The membership drive used traditional and new media to communicate Plaid’s message to tens of thousands of people over the last four months - using online advertising, facebook, text messaging as well as other innovative techniques to communicate with the thousand of potential members who share in its vision for a better Wales. A letter was send to thousands of known supporters and branches, constituencies and members across Wales have all participated in the campaign to reach out to new supporters.
Plaid Chief Executive Rhuanedd Richards said:
"In October we launched the most innovative membership drive we’ve ever undertaken as a party. Since then be have seen our membership figures surge as people join the party to play their part in moving Wales forward.
“Our membership has increased by 23%. We’re delighted not only to be welcoming so many former members back, but were also welcoming many new members who have joined the party for the very first time.
Commenting on the reasons behind the membership increase, Rhuanedd Richards added;
“The fact that the party is renewing itself has inspired many to come home to Plaid. The debate on Wales’ future is very much at the forefront of people’s minds and many have decided that it’s only by joining the Party of Wales can we get the best for our nation and its people. The exciting leadership process has of course added an extra incentive to people to join.
“It’s clear that our membership, both new and existing members, have a renewed and united sense of what can be achieved for the people of Wales if we work together. After all, nobody else is going to put Wales first like Plaid will.
“Our grassroots members are a vital part of the Plaid. They’re the people who are ultimately going to help move the party forward and communicate our positive vision for Wales in their communities across Wales. We’re delighted to be welcoming so many new members and are looking forward to working with them to help Wales flourish and reach its potential over the following years.” 

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Partnership of equals: the only positive way forward for the nations of these Isles

Partnership of equals: the only positive way forward for the nations of these Isles


Current devolution settlement will always hold our nation back

As the Scottish Government today announces its plans for the independence referendum, Plaid Cymru’s MP for Carmarthen East and Dinefwr, Jonathan Edwards has said that the current devolution settlement delivered by Labour wasn’t sustainable and would always hold our nation back.
He said that public opinion and events had left most of the political establishment behind over further constitutional change and the time had now come for Wales to chart its own course and take control over the vital job-creating economic levers in order to flourish.
Plaid’s Jonathan Edwards MP said;
“As these events unfold in Scotland, people in Wales are already talking about what's best for our nation’s future and considering independence as a real choice.
“The status quo, supported by all three of the Westminster parties, isn’t serving Wales well – and taking greater control over our own affairs through independence, with the agreement of the people of Wales, will mean that we can create more jobs, help our businesses grow and help our nation reach its potential.
“Even for those who believe in the preservation of the UK, a partnership of equals with England, Scotland, Ireland will never be achieved under the current settlement.
“The Labour First Minister has recently made a few belated statements in reaction to events in Scotland, suggesting that making alterations to the makeup of the House of Lords would be enough.
“Public opinion has left him behind on this issue.
“The truth is that a little tinkering on the edges of the UK’s constitution whilst keeping so many of the job-creating economic levers at Westminster, as he is advocating, will neither be sustainable or in Wales’ best interests.
Jonathan Edwards added;
“Unionism is in crisis. The Westminster parties are unable to present a coherent and positive argument for the preservation of the United Kingdom in its current form, or for that matter, in any form.
“The big question that needs asking is if the United Kingdom is so good for Wales, how has it, and successive Westminster Governments, Labour, Tory or Liberal continued to see Wales fall behind.
There’s no good tinkering on the edges as the First Minister is suggesting – we need to know details of exactly what job-creation and economic levers he will support.
“We in Plaid Cymru want our country to stand on its own two feet, an independent nation with the tools to help improve the lives of our people.
“Plaid will be putting forward detailed proposals to the Silk commission on the next steps we want Wales to take to improve the lives of our citizens, create jobs and help our nation flourish. The question now is whether the Westminster parties will join with us in seeking the powers to help Wales chart its own course with the economic levers we need to succeed. 

Lack of delivery - hallmark of Labour government

Lack of delivery - hallmark of Labour government

Plaid Cymru AM, Bethan Jenkins, has said that Labour’s lack of delivery is a record to be ashamed of. The Plaid Cymru AM for South Wales West said that the reality of Labour government has been uncertainty, confusion, downgraded services, reduced terms and conditions for council workers and a distinct lack of delivery.
Bethan Jenkins AM highlighted areas where she said that Labour has failed to deliver:
- On the economy - the Labour government has failed to deliver a proper economic stimulus plan to help the people of Wales through these tough economic times
- On education – the Labour government has delivered uncertainty in schools with the banding system which has undermined schools and cause confusion amongst pupils and parents
- On health – rather than delivering, the Labour government appears intent on dismantling the health service on a local level
- In local government – Labour councils have treated their workforces with contempt slashing 40% off the wages of some of the lowest paid workers, even threatening them with a lock-out if they did not accept.
Plaid Cymru AM Bethan Jenkins said:
“Labour should be ashamed of their record of delivery in the eight months since they formed the Welsh government. In education, health, the economy and local government they have delivered nothing of value. At a time when the people of Wales are looking to their government to help protect their jobs, Labour has failed to deliver a proper economic stimulus plan. In health they are intent on delivering what they promised they would not deliver – a downgrading plan which will dismantle the health service on a local level. In education, their school banding plans have caused uncertainty among parents, pupils and teachers and have undermined the standing of schools in their communities.
“In Labour run councils in Bridgend, Neath Port Talbot and RCT, they have treated their workforces shamefully, slashing wages by up to 40% and threatening lock outs and dismissal for non-compliance.
“Labour seems content to sit-back and let Wales feel the full force of the economic crisis so that they can blame the Tories for all that goes wrong.” 

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Stop subsidising Labour

Stop subsidising Labour

This Labour Party has been in government for 10 years and has done very little to help the workers of Wales and the UK. During this time we have seen massive cuts in UK manufacturing and a constant barrage of abuse from the Labour leadership towards the unions who need to "modernise or die" and the Workers who have left "scars on my back". If you have had enough of Labour's attitude then you should opt out and stop paying the Labour party.
Plaid Cymru supports the unions and actively encourage our members to join a union. We also value the good political work that unions do and think that it is important that people support the General Political Funds that many unions use to campaign for better and more equal rights for all workers.
We also believe that union members should have the right to decide for themselves whether or not the Labour party is representing their interests. At the moment many union members do not realise that they are paying money to the Labour party.
If you do not want your union money to go to the Labour party then create an email to your union by clicking on the logo below. Fill in your name, address and the date and send it. Your union will then stop giving your money to the Labour party.
 Communications and workers union
  Unite (Formerly T&GWU and Amicus)
 Musicians union
 Bakers, Food and Allied workers union

If you do not have a mail manager (e.g. outlook express) and are having any problems creating an email simly copy and paste the following text into an email and send it to your union.
I give notice that I object to contributing to the Labour Party through the Political Fund of the Union, and am in consequence exempt, in the manner provided for by Chapter VI of Part 1 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992, from contributing to any political fund that donates to the Labour party. 

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

60,000 mwy o geiswyr swyddi na swyddi yn dangos yr angen am weithredu brys

Plaid yn galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i flaenoriaethu amddiffyn a chreu swyddi

Mae Plaid Cymru wedi galw ar Lywodraeth Cymru i weithredu ar frys er mwyn amddiffyn a chreu swyddi yng Nghymru, wedi i ffigyrau swyddogol ddatgelu tystiolaeth bellach o’r argyfwng swydid yng Nghymru.

Amlygodd y blaid ffigyrau sydd yn dangos fod nifer y bobl sy’n chwilio am swyddi yng Nghymru yn awr yn fwy o 60,000 na nifer y swyddi gwag.

Dywedodd llefarydd Plaid Cymru ar yr economi, Alun Ffred Jones AC, fod y ffigyrau yn brawf pellach o’r argyfwng swyddi difrifol sydd wedi taro Cymru. Ond rhybuddiodd y gallai’r sefyllfa ddirywio ymhellach oni fyddai Llywodraeth Cymru yn gweithredu ar frys.

Dengys y ffigyrau, a gyhoeddwyd gan y Swyddfa Ystadegau Genedlaethol, fod 76,210 o bobl yng Nghymru yn chwilio am waith, gyda dim ond 16,094 o swyddi gwag yn cael eu hysbysebu mewn canolfannau gwaith. Mae’r sefyllfa yn arbennig o ddrwg ym Mlaenau Gwent lle dengys y ffigyrau fod 17 o bobl am bob swydd wag.

Meddai llefarydd Plaid Cymru ar yr economi, Alun Ffred Jones AC;

"Gobeithio y bydd y ffigyrau brawychus hyn yn gwneud rhywbeth i brocio’r llywodraeth Lafur  swrth hon i weithredu. Mae’r sefyllfa ar lawr gwlad i bobl sy’n chwilio am waith yn enbyd, gyda thrigain mil yn fwy o bobl yn chwilio am waith nac syd do swyddi’n cael eu hybsysebu. Mae’r ffaith fod cymaint o bobl yn cael eu gorfodi i fynd ar ôl yr un swyddi yn darlunio’n glir beth yw realiti’r argyfwng sy’n dyfnhau.

"Mae Llafur wedi gwastraffu’r rhan fwyaf o flwyddyn yn eistedd ar eu dwylo, a dengys y ffigyrau hyn yn glir na ellir caniatau i hyn barhau. Maent wedi gwrthod cynlluniau cadarnhaol a gynigiwyd gan Blaid Cymru i ddiogelu miloedd o swyddi yn ein busnesau bychain, ac i greu miloedd o swyddi trwy fuddsoddi mewn prosiectau seilwaith. Y broblem yw y  buasai’n well gan Lafur eistedd yn ôl a beio’r Toriaid am yr hyn sy’n digwydd."

60,000 more job seekers than jobs shows need for urgent action

Labour must wake up to drastic job situation says Plaid

Labour needs to wake up to the drastic situation facing people looking for work in Wales.  That was the message today from Plaid Cymru’s economy spokesperson Alun Ffred Jones AM.  The Plaid Cymru AM for Arfon pointed to official figures which show that there are over 60 thousand more people looking for jobs, than there are jobs available.  Mr Jones said that he hopes that these  shocking figures will make Labour realise just how serious the situation is for people living with the reality of the current economic situation. 

The figures, published by the Office for National Statistics, show that there are 76,210 people in Wales looking for work with only 16,094 live unfilled vacancies being advertised in job centres.  The situation is particularly bad in the Blaenau Gwent local authority where the figures show 17 people chasing every job vacancy. 

Plaid Cymru’s Economy spokesperson Alun Ffred Jones AM said;

"I hope that these shocking figures will act as a wake up call to this lethargic Labour government.  The situation for people on the ground looking for work is drastic, with sixty thousand more people looking for work than there are jobs being advertised.  The fact that so many people are being forced to chase the same jobs is a stark illustration of the reality of the deepening economic crisis.  

"Labour has wasted the best part of a year sitting on its hands, these figures clearly show that this cannot be allowed to continue.  Plaid Cymru will maintain the pressure on Labour to take action to boost the economy. Labour needs to sit up and take action to kick start the economy for 2012.  We will continue to press the Labour government to adopt our positive proposals to protect jobs and help small businesses, as well as taking forward our ‘Build for Wales’ plan which could create up to 50,000 jobs, providing a much-needed economic boost in 2012."

Plaid publishes report to move the Party of Wales forward

Moving Forward: Renewing Plaid for Wales

Plaid Cymru has today published the conclusions of its Party review – Moving Forward: Renewing Plaid for Wales.
The chair of the renewal process, Dr Eurfyl ap Gwilym said he hoped it “would act as a catalyst for a full debate within Plaid Cymru and lead to further success both for Plaid Cymru and the Welsh nation.”
The decision to renew the party, after recent electoral disappointments, was announced by Party leader Ieuan Wyn Jones in July 2011 and led to the establishment of a panel to oversee a complete review of Plaid.
A team of six, chaired by Dr ap Gwilym, looked at all aspects of the party, including structures; membership; vision, strategy and policy; campaigning methods; and communication. Evidence and views were gathered from Plaid representatives, grassroots members, supporters and from people outside the Party over a period of five months.
The 80-page report published today includes 95 recommendations for the party to consider over the coming months. Significant changes are expected to be made to the party following this report with the aim of improving electoral performance and ensuring that Plaid becomes the natural political home for all in Wales who share the party’s ambitions to see the nation succeed.
Key recommendations in the report include;
  • The establishment of a National Academy to revolutionise campaigning and organisation, as well as nurturing the community champions and national leaders of the future.
  • A radical modernisation of the party’s campaigning methods to create a permanently campaigning party equipped with the tools that are necessary for a modern 21st century party.
  • The establishment of a more effective mechanism for policy formulation. Ensuring that the skills of members, supporters and external experts are utilised in order to ensure better policy development.
  • An acceptance that the Party needs greater clarity over its aims in order to be able to present a coherent and united message to the people of Wales.
  • Fundamental changes to the Party’s structures in order to ensure clearer leadership and greater accountability from all Plaid representatives.
Chair of the renewal process, Dr Eurfyl ap Gwilym said;
“It is our hope that this report will act as a catalyst for a full debate within Plaid Cymru and that our recommendations will form the basis of an action plan which will lead to further success both for Plaid Cymru and the Welsh nation.
“Recent decades have seen tremendous progress in Wales with Plaid Cymru always in the vanguard. If we grasp the opportunities ahead we are confident that the best is yet to come. In the words of one of our greatest historians: ‘We have the faith and confidence that the nation in its fullness is yet to be’.”
Jocelyn Davies AM, one the six members tasked with overseeing the renewal process said;
“This comprehensive report includes 95 recommendations that will, in our view, help transform the way we campaign, engage with the people of Wales and communicate our ambitions for our nation.
“We’re determined to ensure that Plaid becomes the natural political home for all in Wales who share the party’s ambitions to see the nation succeed and this review will provide the foundation on which the can build success over the coming years.
“While Plaid Cymru has set the political agenda in Wales over many decades it has not capitalised on the increase in Welsh identity and the growing support for the people of Wales having greater control over their own affairs.
“We recommend that the Party needs to debate and clarify its constitutional goals and agree possible paths to their achievement. Only by so doing will the Party be able to present a coherent and united message to the people of Wales.
“In all its policies the Party needs to demonstrate the relevance of its constitutional programme and how a Welsh Government with greater powers will be able to deliver better lives for our people. This means placing even greater emphasis on fields such as education, health and the economy. It is by doing this that Plaid Cymru will engender more support for its wider and longer term programme including its constitutional goals.
“Our report recognises that Plaid Cymru’s strength is its membership. We believe that the Party needs to transform its campaigning methods to become a permanent, more effective campaigning force. We have proposed that the party develops a National Academy to revolutionise the way elected representative, members and supporters campaign in our communities and communicate our message.” 

Wednesday, 11 January 2012


Possible new boundary changes

further info here

Absence of ambition and legislative lethargy – signature of Labour government

Eight months of Labour letting Wales lag behind

Plaid Cymru has attacked the Labour Welsh Government’s lack of action saying that the last eight months since the election can be summed up by ‘legislative lethargy and a complete absence of ambition’.
Plaid has published a list highlighting ten of the most significant failures of the Labour administration to date. The list highlights Labour’s failure to take much needed and bold action to help the economy:
  1. Labour has failed to prioritise the fight for Welsh jobs
  2. Labour has turned down Welsh economic rescue package
  3. Labour has failed to bring forward any new capital projects
  4. Labour’s legislative lethargy
  5. Labour plans to downgrade hospitals and centralise services
  6. Labour has left farmers left in the lurch
  7. Labour has failed to “Build for Wales”
  8. Labour has failed to arrange or hold any economic summits
  9. Labour has no targets, no accountability
  10. Labour has mishandled Enterprise Zones in Wales
Plaid Cymru’s Economy Spokesperson, Alun Ffred Jones AM, also repeated his calls for the government to follow Plaid’s proposals to help secure jobs and support businesses during the difficult year ahead. He said that it is vital that the Welsh government take urgent action in order to kick start the economy in 2012.
Plaid Cymru’s Economy spokesperson Alun Ffred Jones AM said;
“In the eight months since forming this Welsh Government, Labour has only managed to introduce two things - legislative lethargy and an absence of ambition
“Labour has wasted the best part of a year sitting on its hands, and this ‘list of inaction’ shows that. It puts into sharper focus the vital things that this Labour Government has failed to do during these most challenging of times. What is really striking is the amount of opportunities for Wales have been missed on Labour's watch.
“Despite finding time to write an urgent letter to the UK Prime Minister about the Welsh electoral system and the jobs of his Labour colleagues, the Labour First Minister failed to send any correspondence to David Cameron about the state of the Welsh or British economies during the first two terms of the Assembly.
“The Welsh economy is still waiting for start dates to show when building projects, vital to stimulating the economy and creating jobs, will go ahead. While the Scottish and UK Governments have brought forward six bills each, the lethargic Labour government in Wales has only managed one. Labour’s inaction is letting the people of Wales down.
“Plaid Cymru, however, is determined to maintain the pressure on Labour to take action to boost the economy. Labour needs to sit up and take action to kick start the economy for 2012. We will continue to press the Labour government to adopt our positive proposals to protect jobs and help small businesses, as well as taking forward our ‘Build for Wales’ plan which could create up to 50,000 jobs, providing a much-needed economic boost in 2012.”

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Welsh election boundary map set to change

Welsh election boundary map set to change

Proposals for new Welsh constituencies for Westminster will be released this month, following the publication of proposals for other three countries in the UK.
It is expected that there will be 30 seats for MPs to represent Wales, following the changes which cut the number of MPs from 650 to 600 and introduce a population criterion to determine constituency boundaries.
Plaid Cymru MP Jonathan Edwards said:
“Plaid Cymru fought strongly against the 25% cut in Welsh representation at Wales which was forced through by the Conservatives and Liberal Democrat coalition.
“We disagreed with the cut in the number of MPs at Westminster from 650 to 600 and the way of doing this – ignoring community links or history as the most important criterion for a seat and replacing them with a population criterion which will mean constant change in boundaries to keep the numbers right.
“Plaid Cymru have, of course, contributed our thoughts to the consultation and will respond accordingly when the proposals are published.
“However, it is not certain that these changes will take place.
“Many Conservative and Lib Dem MPs who went through the lobbies to back the cut have now begun to realise that they might lose their own seats through these changes, and have to started to fight against them.
“On the one hand, I hope that they are successful because that would be the right thing to do, but it is worrying that ConDem coalition MPs will fight so hard for their own job while consigning more than 700,000 public sector workers to the dole queue.” 

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Housing changes damaging to young people

Plaid Cymru fears over housing benefit changes introduced today

Plaid Cymru spokesperson for work and pensions, Hywel Williams MP, has criticised housing benefit changes being introduced today – arguing that they are penalising younger people and potentially forcing benefit claimants into unsuitable housing.
Changes being introduced are expected to lead to younger people being forced to live at home longer and families moving into lower-grade accommodation.
Mr Williams said:
“Poor housing is linked to poor health and lower life chances.
“In changing the rules for families living on housing benefits, they are forcing families to move into housing which is at the lower quality end of the spectrum.
“These are very disturbing moves which Plaid Cymru has opposed. It is clear that these changes are motivated by cost implications, rather than human factors and improving society.
“They are also strongly motivated by problems with the housing market in London, rather than the conditions and costs in Wales.
“Changes to age qualification for single person properties, such as bedsits, for example, will mean that young people, up to the age of 35 – which is hardly young – have to stay with their families or find alternative accommodation.
“There is a very serious fear that this will lead to increased homelessness and desperation for young people who feel trapped by circumstances and unable to afford a place of their own.
“Councils in Wales are already predicting an increase in housing problems as people are forced out of the private property market and this will put pressure on social housing and homelessness supports.
“At the same time, £80m of money from housing in Wales is sent back to London under what is called the Housing Revenue Account subsidy. This is a dreadful misuse of funds which should be helping with housing in Wales.” 

Today's bank levy rise - step forward but more to be done

Step forward to better bank control but more to be done

Plaid Cymru has welcomed the increase in the bank levy that comes into effect today, but warned that the amounts raised were far smaller than those which could be generated by an international financial transaction tax, also known as a Robin Hood Tax.

The bank levy was raised to 0.88% on debts above £20bn as a behavioural tax to prevent large banks from taking on risky amounts of debt. It is hoped to raise around £2.6bn per annum from the banks.
Plaid Cymru treasury spokesperson, Jonathan Edwards MP said:
“While welcoming the increase on the banking levy, it is confusing that the Tory government can support one form of behavioural tax – to supposedly stop banks from taking on risky debt – but not another – a Robin Hood Tax on financial transactions.
“It seems especially strange in the light of David Cameron’s actions a few weeks ago in vetoing an EU treaty supposedly on the basis of the impact upon the City of London.
“It was the financial sector, not the public sector, which got us into this economic mess and they should be contributing significantly to get us out of it.
“A financial transaction tax, a Robin Hood Tax, would ensure that an often unnecessary and unproductive trade of money will become a socially productive investment in our future.
“There is significant pressure towards the introduction of a Robin Hood Tax, which is estimated could raise anywhere between £10bn and £20bn in the UK alone – depending on the amount charged, and could make a genuine difference if invested properly.”